The Brickmaker's Bride


Average rating3


Before this week, I'm not sure if I had ever read a book solely written by Judith Miller. However, I believe I have read books that are co-written with Judith Miller and other authors such as Tracie Peterson. It was several years ago, but I truly enjoyed the Broadmoor Legacy series. The Brickmaker's Bride is the first novel in the new Refined by Love series, and the sequel The Potter's Lady is due to release in August of 2015.

When it comes to American war time history, my preference is the Revolutionary War, as I always find such negativism in people in the time immediately following the Civil War. Interestingly, this seems to be a popular time period to find new releases in Christian Historical Fiction right now, however this is the only one that I know of set in West Virginia. Actually, I'm not sure I've ever read any novel set in West Virginia (although I might have forgotten one!).

This is one of those books that I both liked and didn't like. To be honest, I'm still kind of reeling with where to put my emotions behind it. The characters are extremely well written, as far as writing goes, the book is great. Although it is not very exciting as some books may be. Some characters are such horrible people and make me angry and uncomfortable, but isn't that the truth of life and say something about the fact that the author is able to create such dimensional characters that come beyond the page? On the other hand however, I really like Ewan. He is the one that I read this book for. I could take or leave Laura, as I felt she wouldn't stand up for herself and kept being wishy washy and swayed. But Ewan, he kept me turning the page.


I received this product free for the purpose of reviewing it. I received no other compensation for this review. The opinions expressed in this review are my personal, honest opinions. Your experience may vary. Please read my full disclosure policy for more details.

October 24, 2014