Average rating4
This is another fast-passed thriller from Barry Eisler. This story brings together a team of very dangerous operatives and stone-cold killers from Eisler's earlier books and adds a few new characters. They have a very tough job and a tight time limit. The consequences of failure would be very bad indeed. The question is, can they cooperate well enough to pull it off. Their opponents are highly placed government officials with deep resources who will do anything to prevent the truth about events in their past from coming out.
Some of the characters are a bit cardboardy, but things move so swiftly that it didn't really bother me.
The plot is twisty, the action level is very high, there is lots of violence, and the bodies pile up. If that kind of story is your thing, this would be a good read.
Barry Eisler narrated his own book and did a very good job of it. Talented fellow.
Solid four stars.