The Children of Chaos

The Children of Chaos



Average rating3.5


This book is just a complete step down compared to the first book. 

I absolutely hate the Jinx character, and the fact that she got even more page time definitely didn't help my enjoyment. I was even procrastinating reading it at the start because I didn't want to read her chapters. And even Quan and Kayl didn't really get great development by the end of the book. 

Plot had a really bad case of middle book syndrome. There was a lot of meandering. I felt like Quen's and Kayl's relationship suffered the most for it. The first book was focused so much more on those two. And even the plot point with her best friend at the end really rubbed me the wrong way. I just didn't find it believable. And most of the ending to be completely honest. I just think that the book completely broke my suspension of disbelief and the small fault I had with it kept pailing on and I just was able to take any of it seriously.

Also, I found the Gods communicating through the heads of the main characters less and less believable as the book when on. Throughout the whole book, I was questioning why a certain God was able to hear this thought but not some other one. 

And at last, the writing. This is where most of my issues lie. It was just so juvenile at times while trying to deeply convey some very dark themes. All the swearing was so random, and the amount of time that Jinx said ‘cunt' was just baffling. I don't remember that I minded swearing in the first book or if there was any, but the fact that I noticed in this one says something.

I really wish I liked it more. The first book in the series was a 5 star read for me. But this one was just such a disappointment that I don't know if I wanna continue with the series. I will probably wait to read some reviews for it before I decide.

July 20, 2023