Cover 2

The Christian Mama's Guide to Having a Baby

The Christian Mama's Guide to Having a Baby

Everything You Need to Know to Survive (and Love) Your Pregnancy



Average rating4


When it comes to the pregnancy books, I've read most of them. From the epic [b:What to Expect When You're Expecting 174703 What to Expect When You're Expecting Heidi Murkoff 257399] (hated it) to the very medical resourceful [b:Your Pregnancy Week by Week 2148166 Your Pregnancy Week by Week Glade Curtis 2153659] and [b:Your Pregnancy for the Father-to-Be: Everything Dads Need to Know about Pregnancy, Childbirth and Getting Ready for a New Baby 2867598 Your Pregnancy for the Father-to-Be Everything Dads Need to Know about Pregnancy, Childbirth and Getting Ready for a New Baby (Your Pregnancy Series) Glade B. Curtis 625662] and even some colorful ones like [b:The Complete Illustrated Pregnancy Companion: A Week-by-Week Guide to Everything You Need To Do for a Healthy Pregnancy 6275790 The Complete Illustrated Pregnancy Companion A Week-by-Week Guide to Everything You Need To Do for a Healthy Pregnancy Robin Elise Weiss 6459208]. And a good dozen or so others. The Christian Mama's Guide to Having a Baby is simliar and completely unique. This is a girl friend's guide to telling it straight (from her direct point of view and her sisters' and her friends'). It is resourceful and fun and informative. I would not necessarily make this your only pregnancy guide, but this is an awesome one and a great place to start. Note after reading them all... I highly suggest the Glade B. Curtis Your Pregnancy Series with any books relevant to you and perhaps The Complete Illustrated Pregnancy Companion in addition to this one. Thanks to the author for providing an ARC for review through FIRST Wild Card Tours.*

February 11, 2011