The Circle
2013 • 493 pages


Average rating3.2


Kind of a ridiculous story and heavy handed, but fun to read regardless. I expected a lot more from this book based on the NY Times excerpt. Being a fan of whole dystopian, world going to hell in hand basket genre, I expected a lot more out of this book but nothing new was really added to the conversation. It was just a Corporate Big Brother, rather than the Government overstepping it's power... a counter to the libertarian movement maybe?

It was essentially an extended version of the rant from Johnathan Franzen in the Guardian this past year about how technology is ruining our lives. Is any of this possible? sure, why the hell not. But the idea that everyone was so bendable, and Mae, good god MAE! How easily she adopted everything THE CIRCLE was pushing, without an ounce of critical thought was just...ridiculous and hard to believe.

December 18, 2013