Average rating4
Easily read, mostly because this is more in the YA genre than in the adult genre.
The 20-year mc behave a little to often like a 15/16yo for my taste, and sometimes I really miss some more world-building. I often had a too hard time imagining the world they moved in, and placing the different locations in relation to one another.
And then there were smaller mistakes like a full moon's glow lighting up the night during a storm (with heavy rain).
The plot is the element pulling this book in direction of the adult-genre. It's complicated and filled with ancient history affecting the many characters motives and the plot in general. I appreciated that and kept me interested, even though I sometimes lost track because it went a tiny bit too fast.
It's decent. And yes, I'm picking up the next one from the library right away. I hope the mc grows with the challenges and becomes more adult than teenager with time.
Do I want to spend money on it, and have it take up space on my book-shelf to read again? Probably not.