Average rating4
This was my first read of 2022. And I am so happy I pick up a this book when I did. I do wish I had the book and not the audio because I was going confused with the names. But when I got the names right. I was so into the book. First Dara for my was a love hate. I loved him sometimes and I hated him the other times. Nahri had so much hard stuff happened to her. But she kept on pushing for herself. And I love that. She didn't put her love for someone put her down. She kept on going with the love or not. She was doing everything she did for herself. (If you want something right, you have to do yourself). Ali at first was okay but then I saw him get to be better. Yes I thought some times he was like a small boy. But he loves his family. But at the end it made me cry so much.
This book was going to be a 4.5 star but the very end got me to give it a 5 star.