Average rating4.2
I finished it in the span of a few hours cause It was easy to read and I've been meaning to read this forever. Now I would first want to say that the writing style specifically on Celia's narration seemed so natural and original, it was a delight to read this but after Celie discovered Nettie's hidden letters and started reading them continuously I kind of didn't enjoy it but I don't know in how another way Nettie would've described her situation (which spanned for so many years) to her sister, seems logical but I didn't enjoy it much. for the first portions I was so much delighted to see that Nettie and Celia's sibling bond was so strong even tho Celie didn't possibly get empathy from many people other than her sister and probably her former teacher. I don't even wanna mention the monster stepfather who tbh not only sexually assaulted the kids but also sold Celia to another horrible disgusting man. at one point Celie was talking about how men scare her so she likes to stare at women feels so heartbreaking and obvious for repeated sexual assault survivors. in her ‘husband' s house she was treated so badly and the freaking asshole also encouraged his son to treat Celie badly cause she's a woman, she's supposed to be lower, felt sot typical disgusting behaviour I liked how he was called Mr.dash for most of the book,
I dunno if it's my correct interpretation but he was nothing in Celia's eyes other than an abuser so his name has no importance, he's a generic piece of shit. tbh I hated Shug Avery too after she was so rude to Celia at first she only opened up cause Celie was so good to her also in the last portions she was jealous of Albert and Celie's reunion (which I had another opinion personally). Shug Avery can empower people who are hurt, who're helpless and determined altho I didn't like her platonic and sexual relations with random people when she was probably down with std? (also not confirmed) and kinda in unspoken relation with Celia but I don't think she gave Celia any signal of becoming her life partner or something. although she seemed very jealous of Albert's relations which is kind of felt weird to me, she wanted to be his wife because of her sextual compatibality with Albert or mr. dash was nice? but Her contribution to empowering and helping many people Squeak, Sofia and Celia were very crucial above all to make them complete people even though not all of them are protagonists. I like her interpretation of god to it proves she was not only open-minded in sexual nature but her philosophical thinking is out of the box too, and for the purple field metaphor, I think it's mentioned cause blue is generally the colour of sorrow and red as happiness, our life is mixed with both of them so it's the secondary colour purple.now onto something that bugged me- I didn't like Celie told to beat Sofia even tho I dunno why she did that jealousy perhaps because she has enough self-respect which Celia doesn't? also the fairytale-like ending meh I didn't like alpherd or Albert whatever and Celia got chummy bruh wtf I don't' think he was supposed to be forgiven cause he does housework by himself now smh, also that Nettie became stepmom of Celia's lost children, talk about destiny, Corrine died and Samuel well married the children's real aunt huh okay seems too perfect and unrealistic for me.
Now I liked the most was Celia's character growth of becoming a self-independent woman and her reunion with her kids and sister. my overall rating is 3.75