Average rating3.7
There could be an argument to be made about how as a standalone story, this book isnt really that strong. I disagree with this notion, and I ask that anyone who happens upon this review considers what I have to say. The first entry in the Discworld series has a very strong and fast paced opening, a pretty decent middle section, and a pretty great closing section. It ends on a cliffhanger, and there are a lot of questions that are left unanswered, but why should this matter? Art is a constantly evolving thing, and whether you lame death of the author nerds like it or not, art is and will always will be inextricably linked to its artist. In the same way that the Discworld grows, so does Pratchett, and so treating this as a standalone story makes no sense to me. That being said, I had a lot of fun with this book and it got me excited to learn all about the world inside it.