The Coming Apostasy: Exposing the Sabotage of Christianity from Within

The Coming Apostasy

Exposing the Sabotage of Christianity from Within



Average rating5


Very interesting and worthwhile read given the current sociopolitical climate for those of you who are Christian. Personally, I think this is totally worth the time. This is NOT a politically correct book, and if you adhere to those beliefs, your beliefs will be challenged. Remember that Jesus is God. And He has existed forever and exists in all times simultaneously. His definition of sin does not change and has not changed. Our society cannot understand this and things that are socially acceptable are still dire sin in God's view.

If you're curious about what to expect moving forward in regard the Christian church, this is an excellent place to start. There are so many “churches” that claim to be Christian, but do not teach sound doctrine. This is going to continue to become more and more common, as will the falling away from Christianity of American society.

March 18, 2018