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The Complete Folk & Fairy Tales of Brothers Grimm

The Complete Folk & Fairy Tales of Brothers Grimm

Reading the original versions of these familiar tales was interesting. So many of these stories have a very similar Indian counterpart, too - I'm surprised. Or maybe these tales were modified to better suit today's world. Also the  popular Fairy Tales from this series are very much different from the original version. Now the disappointing part - I hadn't expected this book to be so long and boring. Actually, it has nothing of the charm I expected of Fairy Tales. Several of these stories feel so unfinished, they have no sensible ending at all. Most of the stories are quite ‘Grimm' too, too cruel for no apparent reason. Several of the stories are almost copies of others. Trying to read the entire book at a stretch was the biggest mistake, I feel. I wanted to DNF this book so badly. 

September 1, 2024