Average rating4.6
Executive Summary: A good, but not great end to a good, but a not great series (ducks the attack from the Malazan diehards)Full ReviewThis time two years ago I had never heard of Steven Erikson or Malazan book of the fallen. Last January, some friends were organizing a big group read of the series and I decided to join in. I don't think I would have enjoyed reading this series nearly as much as I did if not for the great discussion over in Malazan Fallen.I started this 10-book journey 16 months ago with 20 something other people. I ended it with somewhere around 5 or the original readers and a few other gained along the way. In a way this sort of parallels the series. Many characters introduced, and many Fallen along the way. Much like the other books in the series, if you're hoping for clear answers, you're going to be disappointed. Maybe it was foolish of me, but I had been hoping this series was building to a head and “all will be revealed” at the end of the journey.I should have known better. There is so much left unclear and unexplained that Malazan diehards may find fun, I found frustrating. Sure there are clues, and maybe you can piece things together to answer some of the questions, but I just find myself not caring anymore.That isn't to say that I'm unhappy with the end. If there is one thing Mr. Erikson has been consistent about in this 10-book series it's writing enjoyable endings. Overall I found this book a vast improvement over [b:Dust of Dreams 4703427 Dust of Dreams (Malazan Book of the Fallen, #9) Steven Erikson https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1388268201s/4703427.jpg 4767755], which is supposed to be the first half of this. If the two books had been released as one however, I would have given it a lower rating.In fact I found most of the last 4 books to be bogged down in far too many new subplots. I'm still left scratching my head over the point of a few of them. They didn't really offer much in the way of closure for me with the characters involved and mostly felt like a diversion in attempt to make the world more “epic”.The main story however was really enjoyable for the most part, when Erikson managed to focus on it. It featured all of my favorite characters doing some truly awesome things and some of my favorite moments in the series.The humor, especially that of the marines is great as always. The relationships between many of the characters, even some of the more minor Malzans I find far more compelling that some of the subplots and characters introduced late in the series.I plan to continue on with more Malazan eventually, and in a few years from now I might be up for a reread. Maybe I'll enjoy the series more being able to better appreciate the complexity of this series rather than find it frustrating so often. Either way for right now I'm exhausted and need a break.