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The Crowns of Croswald

The Crowns of Croswald

2017 • 249 pages


Average rating3.6


This is perfect for those who love a middle grade fantasy. While the first half of the book is slower paced than the remaining half, that's to be expected as the characters are introduced and the world is built. This is highly reminiscent of Harry Potter and while I thought I would enjoy that factor, it bugged me more than made me fall in love with it...simply because it's TOO much like Harry Potter so (in my eyes at least) it's not very original.

The MC is also supposed to be 16 but her mannerisms and thoughts are those of someone younger, which does fit I suppose, since this is a middle grade book, but if her age wasn't stated I would have figured she was a lot younger. Overall it's a fun & magical journey, but I am not interested in continuing the series. However, I would recommend for those who aren't huge Harry Potter fans as you may really enjoy it.

I appreciate receiving this E-Book from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed herein are mine and mine alone.

September 22, 2020