Average rating4.2
13th January 2023:
This was unexpectedly a great read to start off my year. The story follows the tutor of a royal family member navigating the court to help himself and his charge. That said the book doesn't pick up until at least 30% and actually gets going at the half way point.
So while the slow pace maybe a boon it certainly isn't without its enjoyment. There are gritty bits and the setting to explore. A very interesting magic system and equally interesting cast of characters.
Cazaril, the protag, is frankly the exact type of character I like reading about. Cautious to a fault and having his wits about him as much as possible while staying humble. His character is a big part of why this book was as enjoyable for me as it was. The way he's written, he doesn't read like a typical fantasy protagonist. Which works here because then the story sheds light on other characters who feel real and important, and not just there to drive the plot along.
The plot has some spectacular moments and really catches one off guard in the least expected places. Especially towards the end. Everything comes around full circle in a rewarding manner.
The writing style itself is a bit complicated for those like myself who don't have a higher degree of comprehension and native fluency in English but nevertheless it isn't unreadable. Just requires a slower reading pace I would say.
The unsettling parts I would say are the age differences in this book which are admittedly not that great at all. And some queasy descriptions about rape situation and not the act itself.
Other than that I would say it wasn't a half bad read.
Final Rating: 4.25/5.0