The Curse of Chalion


Average rating4.2


5 out of 5 starsI actually thoroughly enjoyed this book, which took me a bit by surprise because it started off kind of slow for me. Once I got pass all the fancy names, I was able to warp my head around this world and it was smooth sailing from there. The characters, the world, the story, and the writing were all very compelling. The ending itself was a little too nicely wrapped up, but it did leave me with a really satisfying feeling, so I decided not to take points off for that.I can't wait to pick up the next book in the series, [b:Paladin of Souls 61904 Paladin of Souls (Chalion, #2) Lois McMaster Bujold 819610]. It should be noted that The Curse of Chalion is a great standalone novel, and so if you aren't looking to get into another fantasy series, then this is still something you can pick up. I definitely recommend this one to fantasy lovers out there (especially if you are looking for a light read).

September 18, 2013