The Dark In-Between

The Dark In-Between

2020 • 304 pages

It took me a couple of attempts to finish The Dark In Between by Elizabeth Hrib. The fight between good and evil is not bad. I just did not connect with the characters. Hrib attempted to create a romantic triangle between the fallen angel, the heroine, and the boy who has been her friend forever who she has never seen in a romantic way. It just didn't ever really feel connected enough.

I think if Hrib had just kept to the battles and the inner turmoil of Casey the story would have been better. I liked the connections and the battles that Casey made with and for the secondary characters. I could see this becoming a series if Hrib had concentrated on this and strengthened the love triangle by building a foundation first with Evan.

There are some strings that Hrib could come back to and build upon, but I would leave the love stories alone for now because she has something with the battle sequences. This is just my opinion though, you should read The Dark In Between and let me know what you think.

I received an ARC of this book and I am writing a review without prejudice and voluntarily.

October 30, 2020