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The Death and Life of Dominick Davidner

The Death and Life of Dominick Davidner



Average rating2


This story is more than a bit disadvantaged.

Dominick Davidner is an average joe living a good life until a school shooting where he takes the bullet for one of his students. His quest is to find his way back into love. Under other circumstances, this whole premise might have worked (although, I am a bit skeptical), but this story follows one of a suicidal depressant old man whose life practically ended when he lost his older brother as a teenager and another of a serial killer.

The book can be read as a standalone, of course, but it is Number 3 in a series and, in a box set, it is also the third presented. Odds are, you will read this as #3.

Since it directly follows the story of Michael Hollister (the serial killer in book #2), Part I of Dominick's story is a bit tedious as most of it is the same stuff you already read and/or know about from Michael's story.

Part II is Dominick doing all the wrong stuff and you just know they are the wrong things.

Part III was him still not really learning. He knew what was going to happen, but all he did was a feeble attempt at changing the course of things. It was like one chapter in over 60. His real response was just to get a gun. That got more attention.

It was still OK because the side story, that ever-present element in the Middle Falls universe, was very interesting. In this book, we learn more about the things up there and we see a bigger perspective in the whole thing.

Overall, 1 and 2 were fast reads, got me into the stories, got me interested in the protagonists and made me feel all sorts of things. This was one wasn't like that. Before this book, I was looking forward to the rest of the series. Now, I'm not so sure.

October 13, 2020