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The Dragon, the Witch, and the Railroad

The Dragon, the Witch, and the Railroad



Average rating3


As nice as it was to see more books in this series, I have some major issues with how many of the great characters from the previous books happened to be murdered off-stage, or just disappeared, or died in childbirth.

Not to mention the whole three Rowan princes who killed each other off fighting over the throne of Argonia, after Bronwyn died in childbirth trying to get another heir - the Christening Quest explicitly said that Bronwyn was Princess Consort of Ablemarle (having lost the title of Crown Princess of Argonia when her brothers were born). The three brothers were Raleigh (who was named the heir), Roland (who was the war leader), and Rupert (the diplomat). Bronwyn's death, and her daughter's disappearance, should not have had any effect on Argonia.

March 28, 2017