Cover 7

The Enchanted Barn

The Enchanted Barn


Average rating3


3.5 stars.
This is a sweet, innocent little story, and our heroine must save the day not once, but at least three times. This is not the sort of tale where one might adopt the heroine as a role model, however–she is quite the hand in getting herself into sticky or unwise situations. I was half convinced she was going to come to ruin with the too-helpful, unbelieving young man, but no, she converts him. She might have been hurt by the desperate fellows who want her information, but her sweetness convinces them to delay their dastardly plans just a bit.

All in all, I doubt this book could find a publisher in today's market, because it's so unlikely and convenient a little tale. But I really enjoyed Shirley and her family anyway. It's a book that would be safe for all ages, but in small doses, since Shirley is an unwise example.

And they all lived happily ever after...

September 3, 2015