Short Review: This is a short introduction to historic liturgically informed Christianity, primarily written toward low church evangelicals. I feel like I have been on a similar journey as Niequist. I have read most of the same books. I started spiritual direction at about the same time. I have followed his journey with the Practice from afar.
I affirm much of what it is the book. But I am still a bit unsure about whether the non-denominational world can add liturgical practice to their structure without joining a denominational structure that really supports it. Can you be liturgical and not episcopal (not in the sense of a denomination but in the sense of an ecclesiology).
Part of what has to be said here is that this is coming out a couple days after yet another woman accused Neiquist's father in law (Bill Hybel) of sexual harassment (at the very least). So structure does matter to the content of the book.
I really do think this is a book worth reading. But many of my questions about structure and ecclesiology, the bias toward mono-cultural (and mono-racial) worship that happens with most liturgical churches, and how we help people move out of their all ready too busy lives to actually be impacted by the liturgy are not really answered. That isn't to say that the questions that are raised here are not important. But that there are additional questions that I still have.
My longer (about 1300 word) discussion is on my blog at