Average rating4
This series of books is tough to ignore. There's the sheer size of it (14 books); the passing of the torch when the original author died with the series unfinished; and the best-seller numbers whenever another book in the series is released. The Wheel of Time is in your face. I'd ignored it for years because of the size and the cheesy cover art. But then curiousity got the better of me and I thought, well, just check out the first one to make sure you're not missing something. Short story: I'm not missing anything.
Longer story: I read just past the 200-page mark and then I put the book aside. It's slow-going. It already telegraphs the fact that the main character is not a simple farm boy. Oh, did I say “simple farm boy”? There's huge cliché number one. It would be too tedious to list the rest. What this story lacked in suspense, it gained in tedious description. And, “trollocs”, really? I'm dodging this bullet. Too many other good things to read out there anyway.