Average rating4
I didn’t hate this book. I did appreciate the feminist narrative and touching on the topics of racism and fetishization. The toxic masculinity that was portrayed in the book felt very generic. I think the book could’ve benefited from a more less in your face misogyny examples to help give the character more depth. Same goes for the main character, I would’ve like to have read more into how she got to this place where she goes over the edge. It just happened, which leaves me wanting a bit more out of the character. You can read between the lines a bit to understand her frustration but the level of her extremities is what I wish had more reasoning behind. The gore was great. So if you’re looking for that you will definitely get that. One small thing I don’t care for, more so at the early parts of the book was the saturation of all the food talk. Not a big deal but I was getting full from all the eating references. Overall, just an ok book.