The Fellowship of the Ring
1954 • 398 pages


Average rating4.4


Boy am I glad I already know this story well, or that ending would rank high on the list of unsatisfying cliffhangers! 
I first read this series in my early teens, but I admit I remember the film adaptations that came later, better. 
I couldn't help comparing the two, and it's interesting to see what they cut out. Tom Bombadil is amusing, but it definitely feels like a side quest in the narrative. What really got me is there are two different male elves whose bit parts seemed to have been swallowed up by Arwen and Galadriel respectively in the films, and I think it works better that way! Though I've gotta say, the motif of all elf maidens having fair white skin and being clad in silver and gold wears a little thin - not to get into the whiteness of Lord of the Rings (separate issue I don't have space for here) - but it starts feeling repetitive as a descriptor. Read this in tandem, print and audio book, and as lovely as it was to read passages aloud, Andy Serkis definitely did a better job than I with the audio book. I think his narration (and the ability to speed it up) really helped whenever things started to meander. There's what feels like ‘bonus content' in-world historical details/world-building that shoves this further along the spectrum more towards high fantasy from cozy fantasy, though hobbits as protagonists and elves as guest stars means you get a fair bit of good meals, quiet walks, enchanting lands, pleasant talk. My heart is battling between Pippin and Gimli as to who is the second personal fave - Aragorn is 1st- though it's strange to realize this first book seems to provide Peregrin with a more bit part than Meriadoc, when Merry and Pippin read more as a pairing of well-meaning jokers/backup in the first film. I've got the next book out from the library in print and audio, so I'll definitely be continuing what is technically a reread, though 20 years later means that without the films, I'm not sure I'd remember much. First, I'm going to rewatch the first film. While we're on the subject, this has NOT made me want to check out the new spinoff series. Save me from tv tie in covers 😑. Hopefully it means my library got this edition cheap. 🤷🏼‍♂️

August 15, 2023