The Flash, Vol. 12: Death and the Speed Force

The Flash, Vol. 12: Death and the Speed Force

2020 • 144 pages


Average rating4

Jamie RevellSupporter

The pay-off for this sometimes meandering plot arc works better than many of its earlier instalments. The Black Flash is the main antagonist, and away from his (its?) usual role so that things aren't entirely straightforward. Many aspects of the previous episodes finally come together and there's some good use of Zoom in the final few episodes, building up to a satisfying conclusion. Against this, we have the ‘Year of the Villain' subplot, which here sees Kid Flash and Avery rounding up B-list villains, presumably psyching themselves before they face the big guns. Clearly, that's just building things up for Vol. 13, but it does so in an entertaining manner.

February 4, 2021