Average rating4.1
At first I felt kind of blah about reading this book—almost 600 pages and what on earth was Larsson's characters going to do? But once I got into it, I really enjoyed it. The layered political scandal and corruption fit with women's rights and the power of women, as Lisbeth and Giannini conveyed. I think it's really interesting as well how certain book titles are translated to other languages the way they are. For example, The [b:Girl with the Dragon Tattoo|2429135|The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Millennium, #1)|Stieg Larsson|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1275608878s/2429135.jpg|1708725] was once Men Who Hate Women—a more apt and fitting title for the beginning of this series.
Though Larsson had other books planned in this series, I think that the way this book ended tied the series up well, since the other manuscripts are unfinished. The trial was unbelievable!