Average rating3.9
This is one of the very few truly original time travel stories that I've read - at this moment, in fact, the only other one that comes to mind is Neal Asher's wonderful Cowl.
The Gone World is ... an utterly engrossing read. After a slightly brain-twisting opening, it moves into the familiar-seeming territory of a murder mystery / hunt for an apparent kidnapping victim, and if that had been the whole book, the setup and main character of Shannon Moss would have been plenty to hold my interest and for me to enjoy the book.
Instead, it veers into a wonderful blend of detective fiction and time-travel tale with the threat of an ever-encroaching inexplicable apocalypse... and going in, it's better not to know any more than that. Suffice to say, this is a good solid piece of crime fiction, populated by some well-written and memorable characters, blended with an outstanding scifi novel. If any of that sounds good to you, this is a must-read.