The Good Earth
1936 • 9 pages


Average rating4


I enjoyed this book more than I thought I would, as it sat on my self a long time.
It is a simple story, told well. A story of China, told by an American - admittedly by one who has had long ties with China, and spent a long time there.
Set in pre-revolution Anhui Province, 1930s, this won a Pulitzer Prize for Novel 1932.
Wang Lung is a poor man, and a farmer on the small plot of land his father and grandfather owned. He marries a slave from the big house in the town - House of Hwang, and sets about bringing up a family. He works hard, as does his wife, and he invests his silver in land, which he buys from the House of Hwang.
The story progresses, with the success of Wang and his commitment to land. It is all about land, with Wang Lung - Land is forever. Land cannot be taken away.
As his children grow older, the become disconnected from the land, they become town people, not farming people.

December 5, 2014