The High Lord
2002 • 644 pages


Average rating4


A fantastic finale to the series. This book took the characters I loved and pushed them further than we had seen them go before. A genuinely enjoyable conclusion to the series.

I have a few points to make below that could be considered spoilery. Firstly, a lot of reviews have commented on the inequality between the LGBT relationships and heterosexual ones. I agree that Dannyl and Tayend where short-changed a lot during this novel, and it would have been beneficial to the world to develop their relationship more. As it was currently it didn't really add much to the plot aside from added intrigue. I do think comments on getting more physical intimacy between the heterosexual of the two main relationships unfairly represents them. I feel a lot of the added intimacy of the main relationship is due to their verbal banter which isn't given any real attention with Dannyl and Tayend.

And my final point is simple. Why are so many people stopping for food and wine during a battle for the city? I feel like that happened over 3 times! Just fight your fight and eat later lads.

Looking more to reading more of Trudi Canavan's series.

July 17, 2018