This book starts with a bang; Beth is talking to Kathleen in the garden during a house warming party. Kathleen very much on edge confides in her friend telling her that she is terrified of one of the guests at the party who had been threatening her. Interrupted, Kathleen agrees to meet up with Beth the next day to reveal all. Unfortunately, Kathleen never gets the chance as she falls and dies the following morning.
Suspecting the fall to be suicide or accidental death, the police start their investigation. However, Beth is not convinced and is troubled by their discussion the previous evening. She sets out to find who was threatening Kathleen and in turn find out the truth behind her death.
This was a really interesting read and one where you feel you are piecing all the parts of the puzzle alongside Beth. There are so many red-herrings along the way and everyone appears guilty. It is only when you get right towards the end of the book does the ‘real culprit' become apparent.
I loved the setting of the book and the fact that I had no clue who was to blame; everyone was a plausible suspect and had a motive. What was particularly intriguing was that it was someone in their inner circle of friends who was threatening Kathleen, someone they all knew and trusted. It was very interesting to see how the dynamics of the group changed once a seed of doubt had been planted. I know everyone has secrets, even between married couples, so the whole concept of the story line felt very realistic and plausible. I did feel Beth was a bit too trusting in revealing her thoughts to individuals but I appreciate these were her friends and her husband. I just feared for her as she got herself into quite a few potential predicaments, which made for a thrilling read.