The Hungry Ocean

The Hungry Ocean


Average rating3.5


At times the level detail is hard to see clearly in the mind's eye but already knowing some of the terminology and boat parts, and rereading at a slower pace got me thru.My mind is not geared to record and replay detail -mine records ‘the gyst' of the scene and what was said, and the emotions- so it amazes me to read the level of detail that's remembered years later; every body motion, every look, that would have been remembered after revisiting her log books, is incredible to me. I”m sure this is not incredible to someone whose mind stores this way.I know I read her 2nd book first, and that's what put this book on my to-read list. And I seem to have read Perfect Storm but not knowing the 2 books contained the same individuals. I did rewatch the movie and seeing that help tremendously with my visualization for this read. After recently reading [b:The Secret Life of Lobsters: How Fishermen and Scientists Are Unraveling the Mysteries of Our Favorite Crustacean 248441 The Secret Life of Lobsters How Fishermen and Scientists Are Unraveling the Mysteries of Our Favorite Crustacean Trevor Corson 1825671] I think rereading her 2nd book [b:The Lobster Chronicles: Life on a Very Small Island 173166 The Lobster Chronicles Life on a Very Small Island Linda Greenlaw 1055109] would be better appreciated.This one is going in my library...

March 21, 2020