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The Invisible Tether

The Invisible Tether


Average rating4


This is another author that very graciously sent me a copy for my reading enjoyment. I was excited to read the blurb for this one because I don't really see too much indie scifi and that was pretty cool. I think this would be best pegged as scifi/thriller, but like action thrilling, not mystery thrilling. Scifi action thriller. That's a thing right? 

Let me tell you, this book has some unbelievable nonstop action. I mean, 99% of it. Also some unbelievable violence too, and I mean like horror genre level too. In between all of the eye-popping, “are you serious” bits, it's also filled with a lot of heart. Or rather, a lot of heartbreaking sadness. Like down to the very depths of your being, sadness. But where else could the death of loved ones take you in a novel that is for the most part about love being our saving grace? 

In a perhaps near future world where cloning humans has not only become a possibility, but a truth, where would you go? What would you do? Beings that are as strong as us, smart as us, look just like us, probably won't take lightly to being a lesser science experiment for long... 

If I had to highlight one gripe of mine (in the hopes of being constructive with my criticism) the author here used an unbelievable amount of metaphors, similes, and imagery in what is perhaps striving towards being a distinct voice or as descriptors. They were not necessarily bad, but in places it could be very distracting and take away from the action or a hard hitting section. 

If any of this sounds interesting to you, please follow the author and check out the link in his Instagram bio for the book and it's also available online (Amazon and the like)! 

January 22, 2022