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The Journeyman



Average rating4.5


Gage Crosse is on a mission, to rid the world of demons! The Noctis are gaining power and strength, soon nothing will be able to stop them from taking control of the world. What they didn't count on was the resistance from the Journeymen. Gage has teamed up with fellow Journeymen - Joey and Ady, they're his family and they'll do whatever it takes to protect each other. This is one trio that the demons do not want to contend with! When Gage gets a mysterious message to return home Ady won't let him go along. Will they survive? Can their friendship become something more? Dive into the world of the Journeymen and fall in love.

Homeward Bound is the debut book from Golden Czermak (say what?!?!) and it blew me away. He has created a world so completely that it allows you to build such a vivid picture in your mind that you're fully immersed in the story. His descriptive style of writing makes it so easy to imagine everything that is happening and what everyone and everything looks like. The action is written so wonderfully that I got very invested in the outcome, maybe a little too much at times. Shouting at your phone is normal, right?
This book is not just something PNR fans will love, but romance fans in general. At the heart of this story is a relationship between three friends, they just happen to fight the bad guys...and they aren't human.

These characters are freaking awesome! Joey is such a sweetheart, I loved him from the get go. He's a smart, strong badass. Ady is one kick ass woman! So, you know, I adored her, she's beautiful and deadly, she could handle her own in a fight. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about Gage, he's your typical alpha male, but he isn't, he's funny and charming, self-assured yet has a vulnerable side. I loved that, he is such a great character to read about, I'm sure he was just as much fun to write too. The interactions between the three of them were fun. I had many laugh out loud moments. The Noctis made great ‘bad guys' they did things that had me gasping in shock and shaking my head in disbelief, but then I remember they're the bad guys and it wasn't so shocking anymore. I liked the conflict between them and envision lots more action.

I loved the friendship between Gage, Ady and Joey, the tension and unrequited feelings. The way each individual dealt with and reacted to each situation. The humour really gave this book an added element and blended really well with the action and romance. The romance was sweet, seeing Gage and Ady interact and although they were friends they still had so much to learn about each other, and those moments of them getting to know each other were cute and heartfelt. The sex scenes are as hot as hades. Gage Crosse is a talented man! That bathroom scene though.... you know the one I mean. If you haven't read it yet, we'll talk 😉

The end of the book had me so mad, I literally looked at my phone and said WTF? I'm not ashamed to say in my mind I was plotting ways in which to hurt Golden, I mean, come on! Why!?!?!?! Evil I tell you, he is evil!! LOL, in the best way possible. The book evoked so many different emotions and reactions out of me, I felt like I was on one heck of a wild ride, and really, I was.

September 13, 2017