The King's Men
2016 • 413 pages


Average rating4.3


this is part two of my review. I have a lot to say, and Goodreads doesn't like that, so part one can be found here

things emi still doesn't understand about this series even though she's a foxhole court expert

Okay so we all know that the Raven's are a cult. That is pretty obvious if you read the series. But like what about Palmetto State? I don't know much about college even though I've attended two of them but do sports teams live together? Do they spend SEVEN hours a day together constantly? Seth and Allison had friends outside of the team but DID ANYONE ELSE? Did Matt hang out with anyone other than Dan and Neil? Neil literally had their class scheduled memorized. And what classroom the class was happening in? Is this normal??? Is Palmetto State also a cult???

Neil is literally like, “i'd die for all of my teammates.”and then is like “we;re not friends. I don't have friends.” Like I know Neil is an idiot but he should have caught on sooner that they were friends.

Nicky's timeline? He spent a year at pray the gay away camp. I would imagine he was like 15? 16 then? Then he came back and was depressed for a year. Then he went to Germany for I would think another year. So at 18? Then came back, graduated high school, then went back to Germany? Then came back when Andrew and Aaron's mom died. And then he bought a house? At like 20? What 20 year old can afford a house that he doesn't even live in? Or rent out?? Anyways, then Andrew and Aaron and him went to Palmetto State. WHEN DID NICKY LEARN EXY? Nicky also mentioned in book three when they went to the cabin that he doesn't like the outside, so why would he be playing Exy??? And when did Nicky become good enough to play Exy at a Class I college level team?

Neil, at like 17 years old, was able to drag his dead mother out of a car, bury her on a beach in California, and walk away. Like how?? This is impossible. Like, how did no one question a teenager burying things alone on a Califonia beach? He also would have to have dragged her. There would have been drag marks on the sand. That would have drawn attention. The book also stated he walked two miles down the beach to bury her. HE DRAGGED HER FOR TWO MILES. And also, do you realize how deep you need to dig to be to bury a body? Like I'm not a professional body buryer expert but I'm pretty sure it's gotta be pretty deep. Animals will dig that kind of thing up. Neil's mother's death is the most unrealistic thing in this entire book to the point where my last reread, I skipped over the page or so where it talked about her death because it pisses me off so badly

This series starts off with Neil moping around in Arizona and smoking. It is established as early as possible that Neil smokes. Also, in book one, after Abby does Neil's physical, Neil is super anxious and the book mentions that he “wanted a cigarette so badly he ached.” However, in book 2, Wymack is like “since when does Neil smoke?” and in book three, Nicky says something super similar to this. I'm assuming that Neil just didn't smoke all the time or he didn't smoke in front of others, but the book never explained this. This is actually a plot hole and I want an explanation.

How did Kevin's hand heal if he didn't go to a doctor? Riko broke his hand and Kevin showed up at Wymack's apartment bleeding. Abby wrapped him up and they took him to Palmetto State. But Abby isn't like a broken bones doctor. She's a sports nurse. I don't think Kevin went to a doctor once? Maybe he did but idk, it was never mentioned once. Wouldn't Kevin's hand need physical therapy too? Did he go to physical therapy? It sounds like his hand injury was pretty serious if even the Raven's were like, “you can't play here anymore.” I don't think his hand should healed as well as it did. He shouldn't have been able to play with it again at the very end.

Andrew's medicine. I'm forever confused. That's not how medicine works????

So Palmetto allegedly has campus security. But Officer Higgins just shows up at their dorm in book #2. And Thea just shows up in book #3. The campus security must not be doing that great of a job. What's stopping a crazed Kevin Day fan from just showing up at his doorstep? Absolutely nothing it seems. Doesn't seem safe.

Honestly, you should probably put everything that happens on this list BECAUSE NOTHING MAKES SENSE ABOUT THIS BOOK. NOTHING.

It's honestly awful idk why I'm such trash for it..

That's about it. There's definitely more things to say about this series, but I don't have enough time to list them all. If you've read everything I've said, thank you so much. I appreciate you and that and everything. Also sorry for a two part review. Goodreads sucks sometimes.


December 31, 2020