Cover 3

The Last Boss' Daughter

The Last Boss' Daughter

This cover is OK. It's a fairly good representation of the heroine. Especially with the apple, she is holding. It is pretty and eye-catching as well. I will say the bottom half is a bit too busy. The typography while interesting is a little too big and too far down throwing off the composition of the whole cover.

I really enjoyed this one! That's not to say it didn't have a few issues. I wish we would have gotten more relationship building between Liam and Annabelle. The whole plot needed a bit more fleshing out as well. It was very insta-love for two people that spent a handful of minutes together. I also thought Annabelle was a touch neurotic and Liam seemed to have no problems killing innocent people...overall though it was a pretty decent read.

March 4, 2017