Average rating3.7
I am frankly startled to see so many good reviews of this book. I am a fan of Jasper Fforde's brand of humorous fantasy fiction, full of puns and delightful world building. I really enjoyed “Shades of Grey” and the Thursday Next novels. While it was a pleasant and easy read, with Fforde's characteristic wit, I just could not get over the plot holes in this narrative. Most of the things driving the plot felt very artificial and overly convenient.
...The central plot element of the novel is a premonition that reveals that the last dragon will die at the end of the week. Jennifer's reaction to that news is to decide quite out of the blue that she should go talk to the dragon. Never mind that there is a force field that will vaporizes anyone except for the Official Dragonslayer (and their apprentice, conveniently) surrounding that dragon land. Why does Jennifer think that she needs to go talk to the dragon? It would be like if I saw a White House press conference and then decided that the correct course of action would be to go personally and talk to the president. And then it is revealed that Jennifer is next in line to be the dragon slayer. The previous dragonslayer magically uploads all of the knowledge that she will need into her head in a minute, and then dies. Then she meets Gordon, a complete stranger, who shows up to apply to be the dragonslayer apprentice, telling Jennifer that he placed an ad in the paper for the job without her knowledge. Despite the fact that is is obviously some kind of scam, she without any thought whatsoever, in complete, blind trust, hires him. Surprise, it is later revealed that he is a bad guy, bent on claiming as much of the dragon lands as he can for a corporation. Why doesn't she pick her new friend Tiger? Why does she need anyone? After all, if she is the "last" dragonslayer, what does she need an apprentice for? One of the book's antagonists, Lady Mawgon, spends the first half of the book being a royal pain in the butt to Jennifer, and even succeeds in getting her effectively fired from Kazam. But she ends up being crucial in hiding Jennifer when she is in danger of being arrested (and possibly murdered) by the King's men. Lady Mawgon's character has shown absolutely no sympathy towards Jennifer during the entire book, that action is wildly out of character. It seemed much more likely that she would do something like that if she felt she could gain some kind of leverage over Jennifer, not out of the goodness of her heart. Also, Jennifer comes across as kind of pretentious. For example, why is she so turned off by the idea of endorsements? Do all of the athletes on Wheaties boxes and wearing Nike apparel, deserve our scorn for their endorsements as well?Finally, after saying over and over and over that no one can go into the dragon lands except the dragonslayer, and her apprentice...she brings her pet quark with her. Who then gets shot and killed. I found myself constantly rolling my eyes while reading this book. The plot just does not work.