The Last Druid
2020 • 480 pages


Average rating4.5


The Final conlcusion to the Shannara Chronicles follows Drisker Arc, Grianne omhsford in the forbidding, a demonic world which is also a prison a swell as Tarsha the last of the Druids.

I loved this final book in the Shannara world and it does make for a amazing conclusion to the Shannara world of Terrybrooks.

I have read all of shannarra at this point now that I have read this one. The characters are ones you really come to love and want to succeed. This is a world that is post apocalypic world that is similar to our own in alot of ways but of course wtih Elves and Dwarves.

I do love a good post apocalypic story line. Magic, intrigue, politics. this series as a whole has it all

my only complaint is that the ending was left too open and I know that there wont be any more in the shannara world. Tarsha is faced with a descion but we dont find out what the descion is and it just leaves us hanging!!!! why Terry are you doing this to us!!!!

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February 24, 2023Report this review