The Last Enchantment


Average rating4.2


It's not like the book didn't move forward the story and further incorporated parts of the Arthur mythos, but they were too scarce, and most of the book, specially the begining, was just too much filler content.

The first chapters deal with Merlin going north to find out what Morgause's been up to. It was a very boring. The author tries to make a thriller out of the ‘Will Merlin successfully go unnoticed to Lothian' It's just not too interesting. If he does, it's not a very exciting accomplishment for the greatest wizard in history. And if he doesn't?

One part of the book deals with Arthur establishing Camelot as his center of government. Another part deals with Guinevere 2 (yes, he married 2 Guineveres), and her affair with ‘Lancelot'. It was very well handled, as it was told from Merlin's point of view. We have to remember this is not a book about Arthur, so very little is mentioned about the their ‘betrayal' to the king.

By the end of the book, Merlin falls in love at the same time he finds an apprentice to train and eventually take his place, someone who has just began to manifest their powers, as his are long gone.

The ending left out some interesting parts of the mythos out, namely Mordred and the Grail. I mean, they are mentioned, but only briefly for a few lines. I wonder if the next books will cover them, since this should be the last book about Merlin.

Also, if this is the ending of the saga, it was a bit of a let down. We didn't get a closure for any of the characters.

June 24, 2019