The Legacy
2018 • 361 pages


Average rating5


4.5 stars.

This is my first book by Dylan Allen and I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it. I liked Dylan's writing - it was easy to read, it flowed really well and her world building was magnificent. She really captures the readers imagination and immerses them into the world she has created. I want to move to Rivers Wilde. I want to live there. I would never need to leave, they have everything.

I have to say, I loved the different characters that were introduced and their interactions. Sure there was one or two that I didn't like and wanted to punch in the nads. Confidence and Hayes were the perfect match for each other and I adored them. I definitely look forward to reading more in this world. So many awesome characters to know more about. Although Remi is at the top of my intrigued list. I adored Cass, she's the type of friend every girl needs, right?

The chemistry between Confidence and Hayes. It was palpable. You could feel it leaking off the pages it was that good. Their attraction was instant and the sex was off the charts hot. H-O-T! This is most definitely not a slow burn and features some super steamy scenes...including some backdoor action. Hayes is such a dirty talker and I loved that. The way they interacted and how their relationship progressed was fantastic and kept me turning the pages...long after I should have closed the book to sleep.

Have you ever come across a character that you just fell in love with - not their looks, not anything sexual, but their personality, their attitude, and beliefs? This book has one of those characters and I knew before I'd even finished that it didn't necessarily matter how it ended...a part of me didn't mind how it ended up, just as long as this character is happy because they're special and I knew I'd remember her long after I finished the book. And I was right as I'm still raving about her awesomeness over a week later. This world would be a much better place if more people were like Confidence Ryan. She's the definition of a queen in a world of princesses. I just adored Confidence. This girl, she just made me think. I loved her attitude and I loved that Hayes started to change not because she necessarily wanted him to change but because of her influence, him being with her and understanding her passion and her thought processes made him look at himself and want that change. It really made him think and do things differently. Seeing that change was great and it showed his character development throughout the book. His character developed the most, I feel. Although it was obvious he had some of these wants and desires deep down, he just never felt he could actually accomplish them...Confidence gave him the confidence to do it. She truly is her namesake. When we first meet Hayes I thought he was a really nice guy and assumed he'd be the ‘nice guy' you know the one - the sweet and sensitive and lovely hero that could do no wrong, but then, he turned into a first-class a-hole. The way he was, the way he spoke to Confidence and the things he said, my god, I wanted to kick him in the nads. I hated him. I kinda got frustrated on her behalf. There is then a scene right after where things truly go awry. I think it is one of the best scenes I've ever read. Ever. And here is why. Confidence truly believes she is going to die and yet she is still giving Hayes crap. She still tries to make him accountable. And that is Confidence, that scene sums her up to a T, I'm in danger, but, I'm going to put you in your place anyway. I need rescuing and I'm scared, but it's your fault so you better stay with me. I was laughing out loud, she was still giving him crap, and it makes him start to question what he believed about her and I just loved the way that played out.

After my initial ‘goddamnit I hate you Hayes' I thought he was lovely. He had some really sweet moments too. His compassion was really easy to see and understand. He's had a difficult upbringing - but a different type, to what most people would understand but you see him making amends for some of the bad decisions other people have made. You see him grovel - really grovel, and he tries to win his girl back. I like that it wasn't instant and that you got to see him actually make amends.

There are lots of things that happen to make you think, hmm, what's going on here. There is a twist which I figured out - I know some people don't like when you can work it out, but I actually love it. It means the author has done there job, they've dropped enough breadcrumbs for me to follow to get to the outcome. I love that. I know some people may have been shocked by it, which is great and then some people figure it out and that is awesome too. The fact we can all take something different from the same story and react differently to the same story is one of the reasons I love reading so much. I liked how everything came together in the end. I thought the ending was sweet and it really tied the book in a nice pretty bow, whilst leaving you wanting more.

The new cover, I just love it so much. It is Hayes and Confidence. The characters are bleeding through this image and it just gives me all the feels. Now, this? This is a book I would buy based on the cover. So yeah, totally love this new cover and I cannot wait to have it on my bookshelf.

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November 6, 2018