The Liar
2017 • 336 pages


Average rating4.6


★ ★ ★ ★ 1/2 (rounded up)
This originally appeared at The Irresponsible Reader.

Eddie's being sued in a way to attack the legacy – and the finances – of his friend/mentor Judge Harry Ford for a case he had back in his days as a defense attorney. Harry's client was found guilty – and insane – and died about a decade later in a treatment facility she'd been sentenced to for murder. This is an important case for Eddie and Harry for multiple reasons, but as interesting as this case is, it takes a backseat to the main case in this novel.

Leonard Howell's a former marine who runs a security company – who specializes in K&R (kidnap and return) – that Eddie knew back when they were both kids. His nineteen year-old daughter was recently kidnapped herself and Howell has a plan to retrieve her. He just needs to get around the FBI to pull it off. Enter his need for his old acquaintance Eddie Flynn – both to help him trick the FBI and to represent him because he'll no doubt be arrested for carrying his plan out. But he doesn't care too much about that, as long as his daughter is saved.

Eddie remembers what it feels like to have your daughter kidnapped and signs on – let's be honest, he probably would have anyway. It's a good thing he does, because Howell's plan goes awry in fairly significant ways and he finds himself arrested for a lot more than anyone expected. Which is just the beginning of the book – it gets a lot more tangled, interesting, and exciting after that.

You know, for legal thrillers there's a lot of action in the Eddie Flynn books. Sure, a good deal happens inside the courtroom – but Eddie's not Perry Mason. What happens outside the courtroom is frequently more interesting than what happens inside. Which is saying something, because Cavanagh captures what's most exciting about the cases and trials procedures as well as anyone does. As exciting – and important – as what happens outside the courtroom can be, for me, a legal thriller needs to land the courtroom stuff, or why bother? When Eddie is playing to a jury, interacting with a judge, messing with opposing counsel or questioning a witness? He's fantastic (not infallible, as he proves here) – I'm not sure Mickey Haller could've handled this one any better (and likely not as well).

Just because the title uses a definite article, don't make the mistake of thinking there's only one in the book. You'd be better off not trusting anyone, including our beloved protagonist – well, almost anyone (I'll have to leave that vague so as not to ruin anything).

One thing I want to note, and can't think of a smooth way to work this in – what Eddie accomplishes in this book have more to do with his being a good lawyer and a smart guy than his past as a con man. He gets opportunities to flex those muscles, yes, but it's not what defines him as a character here. Eddie the mostly-reformed con-man is a great character, don't mistake me. But Eddie the scrappy lawyer, appeals to me more.

That said – early on, Eddie does something to help his client using the principles of Three Card Monte – and the wise reader would learn from this, because Cavanagh does the same thing. You will think that Cavanagh is doing one thing – and if you're the type to try to figure out ahead of time where the mystery is going, whodunit, etc. (like I am), you will think you know where he's going. And then when a Major Reveal happens which is pretty surprising, but really confirms all your theories – you start to feel smug and confident. Which is when Eddie and his creator probably start smiling – because within thirty pages of that, another Major Reveal comes along and totally blindsides you. I really never recovered from that for the rest of the book, honestly. Most of my theories remained largely intact, but they all had to be interpreted differently, and the motives behind them all changed.

I've never had a complaint about Cavanagh's writing before now, but I didn't realize he was nearly as clever as he is. I absolutely loved the way he fooled me – without cheating – and kept the tension mounting throughout this book in unexpected way after unexpected way. It's just a great ride – right up to the point where Eddie demonstrates, again, just how stupid it is for people to make him angry. You'd think word would get around NYC courts about what happens when people challenge Eddie... A good series that gets better every time – do yourself a favor and pick this up. It's a decent jumping on point to the series, too – you don't have to know the first books, I shouldn't forget to note).

May 9, 2019