The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
1950 • 146 pages


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Dulu udh nonton filmnya, baru nemu bukunya komplit skrg. Narnia ini salah 1 masterpiece di genre fantasy. Detil buku & film konsisten. 3 stars untuk negeri ajaib Narnia.

January 1, 2017

I've always wanted to read this book. And now that I have... I'm glad I never have to read it again. It was fine... but dear lord it was just a thinly veiled retelling of the New Testament

March 4, 2020

A classic for a reason although my reading experience might have been clouded by the fact that I've watched the old cartoon version of this a million times back when i was a toddler.


Best fantasy book I've ever read!


yo sabía que estaba basado en la biblia pero no esperaba un puto fanfic. me sentí re esquizo leyendo cómo aslan tenía su via crucis dios q es esto

March 28, 2024