The Longest Race

The Longest Race



Average rating5


Oh, how beautiful is this book!
I was hooked from the first page itself. The way struggle and pain is described, it was almost aspirational. How the spirit is described, I could feel the spirit within myself maybe for the first time. I now want to explore the depths of my spirit, see how strong it is. Is it also made of an iron-coated core of resolve? Maybe cycling or running or TT or trekking will help me find it.

I'm going to find more about this book, if this story has been translated into a movie / show or not. And if not, it fully deserves to be made into a film. How I would love to be a part of its movie making process, making sure the emotions, feelings and poetry is not lost.

Whenever Bahadur ran, I could feel my legs urging me to run, not for proving anything to anyone, but for the “unselfconscious smile of joy”

September 30, 2022