Average rating4.4
uhhh.. what the hell was that ? As a final book of a Mistborn series, it is very underwhelming. Wayne is good. Everything else is mediocre. Why even write this ? Why is Harmony so boring comparing to other shards like Honor, cultivation or Odium! Even Preservation was so fun, and he was there in cosmere text for like 5 minutes. Sazed needs more charcter development. There needs to be more “Shardian Influence” on this vessel.
I think I am just dissapointed. The book introduces a bunch of new characters, and there isn't enough time to enjoy the new characters. The book also chooses a brand new villian for some reason, breaking the fun of the final villian showdown.
Some great ideas in the book, but this second Mistborn series is a far cry from SA or Mistborn Era 1
Plot is complicated, just as expected, but boring.
Overall an average read.