Average rating3.1
It's nice to see Taryn's perspective on the events in [b:The Cruel Prince 26032825 The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air, #1) Holly Black https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1493047153l/26032825.SY75.jpg 45959123], as it definitely helps me understand her better. The thing is I absolutely loathe Taryn as she is the exact embodiment of all the aspects of humanity that I despise, and reading this half-assed self-justification makes me hate her even more. I do think Taryn and Locke deserve each other in that sense, as Locke is a real piece of shit and not in the endearing way that Cardan is. If they could just fuck each other over, then it'd be perfect.