The Lovecraft Code


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Chthulu, Chthulan Mythos, The Ancient Ones...........whenever I try to read regarding this genre, my eyes closes itself of it's on volition, the gods be they the earlier ones (Greek, Roman, Incan and etc..) or the more popular ones in this era (Christian/Roman Catholic, Hindu, Islam and etc.) are a joy to read......such human-like passion, actions and if mirroring the humans who worships them.........but the chthonic powers these so called Ancient Ones, evil/good, love/hate.......these human concepts....they do not exhibit such, perhaps that is the simple reason why my attempt to understand such beings fail miserably, for is that not what reading is for........??????

The Lovecraft Code has the beginnings of a great story, espionage together with conspiracy who does not love such things and yet by page 10, my bed looks a lot better than finishing the book, as a book lover, never have I in my reading habits “did not finish a book”, always I would finish whatever I have started that is my principle, there have been two books that have tested my so called principle, first was Dragonbone Chair by Tad Williams, it took me two years to finish 2/3 of the book and second was this!!!!

2016 was the best for me in terms of reading, I had too many books to choose from, the popular ones Brian Staveley, Mark Lawrence, Brian Anderson, Steven Erikson to the unfamiliar ones Patrick Sheane Duncan, Ferret Steinmetz, Jacey Bedford, yet I chose to end 2016 with Peter Levenda's, unfortunately that was not the icing in my cake........

Story, story, story.........sighhhhhh......I will let my fellow book lovers, write their thoughts on this.......for me all I can think about is CHTHULU..........AND MY EYES HAVE CLOSEDDDDDDD.......

January 23, 2017