The Magician King
2011 • 400 pages


Average rating3.9

Ben SaufleySupporter

Really enjoyed it. I think the claims of sexism were unfounded. But I am a man, so, who knows. The main female character, Julia, does go through a lot (a lot), but if anything that serves to highlight some of the worst of what women can experience in a male-dominated world. I think the same goes for some of Quentin's naïve misogyny – that's part of the story. Just because it's there doesn't mean it's being endorsed. Quentin is kind of a dick, we know this.

Anyway. Great adventure, great personality, great imagination, I really enjoyed this. Very readable as well.

A thought about the end contains vague spoilers:

I guess I should've expected that sinking feeling as I read the ending – it'd been foreshadowed the whole time, and the last book was almost as bad, but the last book wasn't quite as bad (he still got to have a lot of what he wanted; really, the sacrifice was on Alice, not him) and I found myself swept up in the heroic adventure so when the ending came, I was disappointed. At the very least, I wanted (still want) to know what happens next. And (probably like Quentin) I'm still trying to figure out if there are any loopholes or ways to get to Fillory or the new world.

July 5, 2013Report this review