Average rating3.4
3.5 star“You can't love someone if you're afraid of them,”So I finished this about a week ago and I have no idea what to rate it but I feel like it would be within 3 to 4 stars.I think this is an unpopular opinion but I like [b:The Maidens 45300567 The Maidens Alex Michaelides https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1608557750l/45300567.SY75.jpg 70020242] more than the [b:The Silent Patient 40097951 The Silent Patient Alex Michaelides https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1582759969l/40097951.SX50.jpg 59752778] and it's prob coz I had zero expectations for this, but for the [b:The Silent Patient 40097951 The Silent Patient Alex Michaelides https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1582759969l/40097951.SX50.jpg 59752778] my expectations were so high which is prob why I was so disappointed. So if you are thinking of picking this one up, or any hyped book for that matter go into it with no expectations and you might end up loving it.I must say tho I guessed the killer about halfway into the book and brushed it off coz it didn't seem possible but that didn't spoil the book for me.So here are a few things I loved in the book;1) The setting (I LOVED), was set in Cambridge in a Gothic atmosphere and it was described so well, I felt like I was watching a movie. And coz I'm jobless I did a bit of research on Cambridge and it is the 2nd oldest uni in the English speaking world!! What?! Also, I added it to my never-ending bucket list of the places I want to visit someday.2) Short chapters (it was so easy to read)3) Dual povs.4) Flashbacks to the past5) The silent patient references ( I love it when an author does that)6) The psychological aspect of it. ([a:Alex Michaelides 17621440 Alex Michaelides https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1526317750p2/17621440.jpg] knows what he is talking abt)7) Greek mythology- ever since I read Percy Jackson a few years ago I have been OBSESSED with Greek and Roman mythology, so much so that I wanted to do it for my ALs but my parents advised me against it.lolAs always every book has stuff I don't like too, here are some of them;1) Marianna2) Marianna 3) You guessed it- Marianna (she was so persistent to the point where it became so annoying) I think everyone who has read the book will prob agree with me about this.4) The book is called ‘The Maidens' but most of the plot was focused on Marianna I wish we had gone into depth about the maidens.5) I wish [a:Alex Michaelides 17621440 Alex Michaelides https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1526317750p2/17621440.jpg] had focused more on Edward Fosca too coz he seemed like an interesting character.6) I wasn't too satisfied by the ending.7) too many unwanted characters.I listened to a dark academia playlist while reading this and the experience was surreal!!This is one book I will be rereading in the future!