My review is for the eBook.
This book is written by Daniel “Danny Rolling” A.K.A the “Gainesville Ripper” he was the real-life inspiration for the Scream horror film franchise.
The book was written by Danny Rolling while he was incarcerated and collaborated with Sondra London.
He is a paranoid schizophrenic-he has visual & auditory hallucinations, due to experiencing trauma, from his abusive father, his psyche was fractured and split into several alters (alternative personalities that represent fragmented parts of Danny Rolling's fractured psyche)
He seemed quite charming and manipulative, feigning ignorance, during the writing process of this book, he seems like the type of person that would say or do anything to gain the sympathy of anyone that would listen to his sob story.
Nothing obviously excuses a parent(s) that are abusive, but Daniel Rolling is responsible for his own behaviour, attitude, poor impulse control, or the way he views or perceives women.
He glorifies rape, murder, robbery and expressed his love & feelings towards Sondra London during the writing of this book, which is a usual situation to be in to write & publish a true crime, real-life account of a serial killer's life, motivation, intention or purpose for their premeditated murderous plan.
I don't really believe the bogus demonic posession narrative that Danny Rolling expects people to automatically believe, so he can justify or excuse what he did.
Although disasosciation and DID-(Diasaociative Identity Disorder) would be believable since it is a real-life mental illness, it's not known as “split-personality anymore though.
Mental illness doesn't automatically mean anyone will automatically become violent, sadistoc, cruel or a murderer.
Danny Rolling is similar to Ted Bundy he was a peeping tom, a voyuer, a rapist, necrophile and a serial killer of women that he hated.
There are a lot of similarities between Danny Rolling and Ted Bundy, which is not something any man should ever feel proud about or boast about, it's not a good thing.
If your a man and you feel the same way about women, or act in a similar way to either serial killer, then go and see a therapist ASAP!
It really disgusted me how Danny Rolling kept referring to one of his female victims as a “little girl” or when he called her “daddies little girl” or a “good girl” for pleasing him sexually, while she is being raped several times and she was unable to defend herself or prevent it from happening or he would stab her to death.