The Marauders, the Daughter, and the Dragon

The Marauders, the Daughter, and the Dragon



Average rating3

Tabitha TomalaEarly Adopter

Thank you to K.R.R. Lockhaven for providing me with a copy of this book! I voluntarily leave this review!

Over time Azure’s enjoyment of running an Inn alongside her father has waned. His racism towards anyone not human is taking a toll on her patience. And when the new governor arrives spouting his bigoted words of “Humans First” her father embraces the message. Disgusted Azure casts her father aside, but as the ship bearing him begins to leave Azure is racked with guilt. And while she soon finds herself aboard the governor's ship his constant verbal attack against nonhumans grates against her nerves. Something must be done to stop him.

There is quite the cast of characters Azure will meet as she embarks on her quest to save her father from the governor’s misguided notions. My favorite of them was the marauders. A team of seafaring folk who search the seas for people to help instead of people to pirate. They are a team who love to tell tales and sing songs. And while their humor can be a bit juvenile, they have good hearts.

The worldbuilding aspect of The Marauders, the Daughter, and the Dragon needed fine-tuning. There are many moments of exposition as characters tell their stories, and not all of them seemed relevant to building relationships or moving the plot. The magic system also needed some work. As the story progresses, readers will learn about different types of magic from fellow characters and cultures, but it is more of a surface explanation. There was a lot of potential for cultural learning moments and worldbuilding.

K.R.R. Lockhaven does a fantastic job creating an evil and bigoted antagonist. Governor Pratt is a despicable man who influences and manipulates people into rising against anyone who is not human. During his time on the page, readers will definitely feel resentful towards him and urge Ellery on in her quest to bring him down.

The Marauders, the Daughter, and the Dragon is a tale for readers who enjoy various types of upfront humor and a swashbuckling adventure on the high seas. And while the main antagonist is vehemently against nonhumans, Ellery’s message of acceptance and friendship for all beings far outweighs it. With magic, dragons, humor, and pirates, there is sure to be something for everyone who enjoys a fantasy read.

Originally posted at

October 22, 2022