Cover 7

The Ministry of Ordinary Places

The Ministry of Ordinary Places

Waking Up to God's Goodness Around You


Average rating3


After growing up in a conservative, Christian environment where a vast emphasis is placed on your “ministry”, there have been many times as an adult where I have felt as though I fall short. I don't have a popular blog, or lead a Bible study, or run a youth group, or do any of the things I traditionally learned were “ministry” things to do.

Shannan Martin's book gives readers a revolutionary concept - your ministry doesn't have to be big and loud and in public. For most of us, the ministry we have been given is in our own neighborhood, our own carpool line, our own home. We do God's work by being present with the people He has placed in our lives.

This is a compelling and challenging read, and I'm so thankful Martin's words are in my world.