Average rating4
Philip K Dick is considered to be among the classics of scifi, this book which is a collection of short stories was a fun, weird and strange read to put it mildy for some.
Some of these storeis such as the minority report are classics and well knowns, others not so much such as oh to be a blobel, the mold of yancy and service call, at least not stories i had heard of before.
From the strange to time travelling repair people to blobous alien human hybrids. one common theme in these stories the solar system and beyond has been colonized, although the timelines are way out of wack and at this point very near future, in the 2040s or earlier but wtih tech that is far advanced from anything we are likely to have in the next 20 or so yrs.
Philip K Dick has a twisted, weird imagination often set in some kind of dystopian futuristic world with stories tha make you go huh?
Good read all around
Originally posted at www.youtube.com.